網狀活化系統 (RAS)網狀活化系統位於腦幹,在大腦功能中發揮關鍵作用。當嬰兒通過產道時,透過頭部的壓迫和運動,它被激活,使新生兒做好從妊娠期間的睡眠狀態過渡到子宮外更加清醒和警覺的狀態的準備。它可以讓嬰兒了解周圍環境、處理感官訊息並與外界接觸。 但等等,還有更多! RAS 參與大腦中的許多過程,包括:
我們的大腦部分依靠神經傳導物質運作。我們的大腦中有許多多巴胺、GABA 和其他神經傳導物質的受體。丘腦深入參與聽覺和視覺處理,有許多 GABA 受體。多巴胺受體位於中樞神經系統的各個區域,尤其是在海馬體,即長期記憶的所在地。多巴胺與記憶、注意力、一般認知(思考、學習和處理)、衝動控制、睡眠和動機有關。因此,RAS 活性不足會導致多巴胺和其他神經傳導物質水平降低。 ADD 藥物,如哌醋甲酯,透過增加多巴胺在大腦中停留的時間來發揮作用。 RAS 活性低下,無論是由於剖腹產還是其他原因,都會對兒童(或成人)集中註意力和注意力、處理感官信息、定期睡眠、有效處理信息和處理信息的能力產生重大影響。 RAS 活性低下的兒童可能會面臨以下困難:
孩子出生後,他們的發展里程碑透過原始反射模式實現,繼續刺激 RAS 保持活躍。玩耍、跳躍、搖擺和攀爬等體育活動,以及日常環境中的經歷,不斷刺激 RAS 完成其工作。 那麼,如果兒童(或成人)出現這些症狀,你該怎麼辦?老實說,沒有快速解決辦法,但 RAS 可以透過多種方式啟動。
參考 艾倫美聯社、史密斯美聯社 (2012)。 口香糖和任務時間對警覺性和注意力的影響。 營養。神經科學。 15、176-185。 10.1179/1476830512y.0000000009 De Cicco V、Tramonti Fantozzi MP、Cataldo E、Barresi M、Bruschini L、Faraguna U、Manzoni D。 。前神經解剖學。 2018 年 1 月 8 日;11:130。 doi:10.3389/fnana.2017.00130。電話號碼:29358907; PMCID:PMC5766640。 加西亞-裡爾,E.,編輯。 (2015)。醒來和網狀激活系統。 健康與疾病。 Hirano Y.、Obata T.、Takahashi H.、Tachibana A.、Kuroiwa D.、Takahashi T. 等人 (2013)。 咀嚼對認知處理速度的影響。 大腦認知。 81、376–381。 10.1016/j.bandc.2012.12.002 鮑爾斯,D.(2021)。強大的前庭系統:平衡及超越。梅德布里奇。www.medbridge.com/blog/2021/7 Tucha O.、Mecklinger L.、Maier K.、Hammerl M.、Lange KW (2004)。 嚼口香糖對健康受試者的注意力有不同的影響。 食慾 42, 327–329。 The Reticular Activating System (RAS)The Reticular Activating System, located in the brainstem, plays a pivotal role in brain function. Activated as the baby passes through the birth canal via compression and movement of the head, it readies the newborn to transition from the sleep-like state it has been in during gestation to a more awake and alert state outside the womb. It allows the baby to be aware of its surroundings, process sensory information, and engage with the outside world. But wait, there's more! The RAS is involved in many processes in the brain, including:
Our brains partially run on neurotransmitters. We have many receptors in our brain for dopamine, GABA and other neurotransmitters. The thalamus, which is deeply involved in auditory and visual processing, has many GABA receptors. Dopamine receptors are located in various areas of the central nervous system, most notably in the hippocampus, the home of long-term memory. Dopamine is associated with memory, attention, general cognition (thinking, learning, and processing), impulse control, sleep, and motivation. So, an underactive RAS can result in low dopamine and other neurotransmitters. ADD medications, like methylphenidate, work by increasing the time dopamine stays in the brain. An underactive RAS, whether that is from a C-section delivery or other cause, can have a significant impact on a child's (or adult's ability) to focus and attend, to process sensory information, to sleep regularly, to process information efficiently, and more. Children with an underactive RAS may struggle with
After children are born, their developmental milestones, enabled through primitive reflex patterns, continue to stimulate the RAS to stay active. Playing, physical activities like jumping, rocking, and climbing, along with experiences in their everyday environment continue to stimulate the RAS to do its job. So what should you do if a child (or adult) presents with these symptoms? There is no quick fix, to be honest, but the RAS can be activated in various ways.
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