In this unusual time of the pandemic and new norm, let us listen to what our kids have to say... 讓平安降臨人間 詞曲:GT Lim 林義忠 編曲/製作人: Jaydon Joo 天若閉塞不下雨 蝗蟲吃地的出產 If the heavens are shut and there is no rain The locusts are devouring the land 瘟疫流行在民間 百姓叫苦連天 The plague is spreading among the people And the cries of the people reach the heavens 我們當謙卑來尋求神面 We must humble ourselves and seek God's face 認罪悔改在祂的腳前 To confess our sins and repent at His feet 轉離我們的惡行 求主赦免 Turn from our wicked ways and pray for forgiveness 神必從天上垂聽 神必定看見 Then God will surely hear from Heaven God will surely see 神啊 神啊 求祢憐憫 求祢赦免 O God show Your mercy and forgive us 我們願意謙卑悔改在祢面前 We are willing to humble ourselves and repent before You 神啊 神啊 求祢運行 大能彰顯 O God please move and manifest Your mighty power 求祢醫治這地 讓平安降臨人間 Come and heal this land Let peace descend on earth ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 線上購買及下載林義忠專輯與單曲,請拜訪: To purchase and download GT Lim's albums and singles online, please visit: https://music.apple.com/artist/gt-lim... 另外,您也可從我們網站購買: Alternately, you may also purchase from our website: https://gtlim.com/shop/ 可購買及下載之電子平台包括: Available from most digital music platforms, including: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3v2r8... Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/5676... Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/a... Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Gt+Lim&i=d... KKbox: https://www.kkbox.com/sg/en/artist/ii... Pandora, 8tracks, Shazam, TIDAL, Youtube Music, Groove Music, Napster, iHeartRadio, Medianet, Tradebit, Slacker, 24-7, 7digital, Guvera, Boinc, Rara, Yandex.Music, InProdicon, Kdigital, Saavn, AWA, Claro música, Kuack, Anghami etc. GT Lim林義忠Official Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/gtlimfanspage/ GT Lim YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/gtlimgee... Email: [email protected] 謝謝~! |